Sightseeing Guide
By consulting the text and accompanying maps, you should have no trouble locating and visiting all of the City's 48 State Registered Historical Landmarks. Enjoy yourself!
Map: All Landmarks
This map shows the locations of all 48 historical landmarks in San Francisco county, with group numbers indicated. Click a marker to view name, group, and address information.
For your convenience, the landmarks have been placed in five geographical groups with a suggested sequence for seeing the sites.
Group 1
- 81: Landing of Capt. Montgomery
- 119: Portsmouth Plaza
- 192: El Dorado and Parker House
- 85: Office of the California Star
- 587: First Public School
- 500: Clay Street Hill Railroad
- 696: Headquarters of Pony Express
- 80: Montgomery Block
- 408: First Meeting of Freemasons
- 462: Site of First Jewish Services
- 453: Sherman's Bank
- 88: Niantic Hotel
- 328: Long Wharf
Group 2
- 459: Site of Mellus and Howard
- 87: First U.S. Branch Mint
- 819: Hudson's Bay Company
- 650: Site of What Cheer House
- 90: Fort Gunnybags
- 89: Site of Parrott Granite Block
- 810: Site of Old St. Mary's Church
- 86: California Theatre
- 861: First California State Fair
- 83: Shoreline Markers
- 937: Three-Reel Bell Slot Machine
Group 3
- 623: Union Square
- 876: City of Paris Building
- 754: Mark Hopkins Institute of Art
- 1024: Juana Briones, Pioneer Settler
- 1010: Site of Third Baptist Church
- 91: Telegraph Hill
- 941: Farnsworth's Green St. Lab
- 987: Treasure Island
- 236: Entrance of the San Carlos
- 691: Grave of Thomas Starr King
- 964: Birthplace of the U.N.